Macedonia, Travel

Macedonia in short.

January 30, 2017

Hot sun and beautiful green grass. Wonderful sunsets and sunrises, spilled with reds and violets on the sky. Great coffee and sublimely sweet burek. Friendly people and  common support for Polish National Team. We spent in Macedonia only few days. Enough to fall in love. 

It was in Macedonia, where we had one of the best campings in our lifes. Not far from civilisation, only few hundred meteres. Nevertheless, noone was bothering us and noone was surprised. Instead, everyone had smile on the face and was helpful and cheerful. We even got a private mobile number from a waiter, serving us in one of the cafes, were we had few beers while watching football match Poland – Germany (Erupoean Championships were going on). If anything goes wrong, we have to give him a call.  And you have to remember, that we weren’t camping on his property. It wasn’t even property of the cafe! All we did was to ask if we can pitch a camp by the local lake. We didn’t want to cause any inconveniene for locals.

Silence, peace and supberb sunrise.

It was here, in Macedonia, where we ate apples, sitting by the lake, watching small boat that that was lazily ripping peaceful water surface. We were playing with homeless dogs, that were enthusiastically fetching the stick and we made friends wit small puppy, following us everywhere.

OK, I made friends with him – Piotr was telling me off from time to time not to hug him so often. What he can know! My great-grandmum said once stroking the cat, that ‘ even creature like this needs love’. And she was right. Love was all this puppy needed. He wanted so much to be someone’s. So he was mine for 24 hours. And it was wonderful time.

He was sleeping in our tent, cuddling to my backpack. I thought he will wag me to dead with his tail, when I got up and he was saying ‘Hi’ to me in the mornig. He was squiling and jumping from happiness, jumping straight into my arms. And how not to love this little buddy? Even for couple of hours. I went a bit emotional when we were leaving.

It was here, in Macedonia, where we were drinking great wine and eating the best quality meat. We had a great meal,  watching fishermen busy with their own business and  waves braking on the shore. Small cofee somewhere at the end of the world. Authentic Turkish food in the heart of Skopje. Sour yoghurt (kefir) with a roll we had, camping in the forest. This is the taste of happiness.


It was here, in Macedonia, where we visited fascinating market, full of colours, life and natural buzz. Few months later we went to similar one in Barcelona. But it was the one in Skopje that had real, unpretended charm. No tourist thinking, as there is no many of them in Macedonia. Authentic, real market, living its own life. And those cherries!

It was here, in Macedonia, where my inner car lover was in heaven. I haven’t seen so many vintage car for a long time! And they were still working! It was true paradaise of collectors, vintage lovers and enthusiasts. Those cars deserve their own post on this blog.

It was here, in Macedonia, where we flew for the first time. It may not be the most extreme experience, but it will stay in our memories for a long time. That’s for sure. Paragliding will always be associated with Macedonia. And thanks to out flight we met great people – world class experst, who managed to stay regular people. Sometimes it’s worth to sop for a bit and tak a closer look at people. It can turn out that they have something interesting to say. If only you wish to listen.

We also saw national fest. With national singing group. Songs sounded familiar and people dressed in national outfits were mixed with the crowd. Then we realised, how similar we are.




Macedonia is also a country of astonishing cities. But this is another story for another time.


One more – for some reason Macedonia looks the best in black and white.


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